One more tourist attractions that are hits of social media. Nitzen many who call this place with different names Cilembang diantarnya Sirah, Situ Cilembang, Blue Lake Hariang Cilembang until there is also a call to Labuan Mirror Cilembang Sumedang. A hidden place in Sumedang is located in the hamlet Curug, Hariang Village, District Buahdua, Sumedang, West Java.
When seen at a glance, this Cilembang springs are similar to Mirror Labuan in East Kalimantan. Only in Situ This Cilembang you are not allowed to swim. Because Situ Cilembang water is still used as a source of drinking water and the daily needs of the surrounding community.
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New tour in Sumedang The Hits Through Social Media
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Blue Cilembang Situ depth estimated to be around three meters. Situ Blue Cilembang began hits in social media like Instagram, Facebook to Twitter. I wonder who first memperkenalnya through social media. However, since hits that many tourists who began arriving in Situ Blue Cilembang.
Not much different with Cliffs palace Bandung who became known through social media. There are now run by Blue Cilembang Karang Taruna youth as precisely. There is no entry fee, but you will be charged a parking fee of Rp. 2000 per-vehicle.
blue situ cilembang sumedang Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest blue situ cilembang sumedangadventure_sumedang Should Not Come Tuesday and Friday as “Poe Prohibition” (Today Forbidden)
According to local youth that no prohibition days to be followed by tourists. Blue Cilembang there should not be a special visit on Tuesdays and Fridays. So should you come there in addition to the two days. Now I have too many visitors, but definitely forward Situ Cilembang Blue is sure to be filled with tourists from across the region. Currently only from Bandung alone most visited Situ Blue Cilembang this.
Water from the Blue Cilembang Situ is not really blue. The blue color is only the reflection of the color of the sky just because the water is clear so it seems like a mirror. According to residents there are some fish that look appeared in Situ Blue Cilembang, such as fish Nilem, Wader or Silver Rasbora fish, Sengol that sometimes appears also freshwater turtles. Hopefully no freshwater crocodile yes.
blue situ cilembang sumedang Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest blue situ cilembang sumedangnia_sone Note the road, Beware When Moving Road Steep
Because the place is remote and difficult road access, you should walk after a parked vehicle. Approximately 200 meters from the parking lot. It’s just that you have to be careful to get the Blue Cilembang Situ. Because the road to Situ iru Cilembang rocky and steep.
Because it is located in natural forests, air and air around Situ Blue Cilembang very cool at all. The natural beauty of Situ Blue Cilembang was very fitting with the cool ambient air. It feels really fresh and makes fatigue disappear.
blue situ cilembang sumedang Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest blue situ cilembang sumedang @ aldilangg The cool air in Situ Blue Cilembang
You do not have to worry about starving because many impromptu street vendors who sell in the parking area Situ Blue Cilembang. Whereas once this place is a place that seems so austere. Oh yes, if you can not linger and not too late to be in Situ Blue Cilembang yes. Because in addition no adequate lighting, the atmosphere of the forest is still very tense. To prevent unwanted stuff you guys should come to Situ Blue Ciembang during morning, noon and late afternoon.
When it rains, the road to Blue Cilembang Situ be very slippery too dangerous because of the steep. There are still a lot of sharp gravel and slippery when exposed to rain. Automatically you have to be extra careful when it rains. Should still be postponed only once when the rainy season. Anyway you will not be free berselfie ria in Situ Blue Cilembang.
blue situ cilembang sumedang Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest blue situ cilembang sumedang @ aditya.retro Tips and Guide to Situ Blue Hariang Cilembang Sumedang
There cilembang address Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Because this is not a tourist spot that is open to the public you should really keep manners and respects the rights of citizens.
Try not to bring food to the area Situ Blue Cilembang, because surely you most likely will nyampah there. While Blue Cilembang Situ was originally totally virgin and far from human harassment. Because of the existing prohibition to swim, do not be reckless! You should be aware that Cilembang Sirah is a source of drinking water for villagers Hariang We recommend that you bring your own vehicle because there is no clue to the direction board Situ Blue Cilembang Once again please maintained the beauty and authenticity of Situ Blue Cilembang. Caring for and preserving nature is a shared responsibility.
The right time to come apart from Tuesdays and Fridays as well during the day when the sun will reflect light so that the visible blue Situ beautifully. Do Alay like they have! No Swimming fact Nekat already!
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labuan-mirror-jayanjayan-com Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Labuan Mirror How To Go Situ Blue Cilembang Sumedang
If using a car from Cipularang you can exit at Toll Gate Cileunyi then headed Sumedang. Make sure you pass through campus cool as UNPAD and ITB. You will also pass the State School STPDN very famous.
If through tolls Cikopo – palimanan you can exit at Toll Gate Kertajati. This access is the access motorway exit closest to the town Sumedang. Keep your vehicle fit and strong ditanjakan. Because you can get stuck in a traffic jam with the terrain uphill if from Bandung. Moreover, the road to the Blue Lake Situ Cilembang not easy.
After reaching Sumedang, steering you toward the intersection point Cimalaka then turn left if you are from Bandung. Precisely at the intersection Cimalaka main square. If you are from Cirebon, before Cimalaka Sumedang, just look Legok benchmark T-junction, then turn right. The distance is roughly around 5 km from the junction Legok. From there just follow the road to Jalan Buahdua Hariang, Sumedang, West Java. The journey from Bandung to Situ Blue Cilembang expected to take about 4 hours.
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