Ada banyak hotel berbintang di Serang, berikut ini beberapa diantaranya. Le Dian Hotel and Cottages Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No 88, Serang Tlp: +62 254 229 888 Email: Website: Ratu Hotel Bidakara JL.KH.... Read More | Share it now!
Banten, which had previously been part of West Java province, was officially established in 2000 became its own province to cover the area in western Java. Despite the age of the province is still relatively young, but history clearly old and holds the... Read More | Share it now!
Rest Area Offroad Bah Idit Cikole Lembang Bandung,- Bahagianya saat kita melakukan perjalanan offroad yang panjang ehh nemu rest area untuk beristirahat. Yupss.. tentunya ada, tapi hanya satu-satunya, hehehe Rest area Bah Idit terletak tepat di... Read More | Share it now!