NATIONAL PARK Mount Gede Pangrango



Because of its easy access, national park Gunung Gede-Pangrango with a spectacular panorama is a favorite place for visitors. Located in West Java Province. This park includes the summit of Mount Gede and mountain Pangrango. Around these peaks are tea plantations, recreation parks, waterfalls, hot springs, lakes and accommodation facilities within the park. The National Park is designated as a nature conservation area in 1889, although earlier Cibodas Botanical Gardens was already established here in 1830, in which quinine and coffee was first cultivated and become the most prominent exports in the 19th century.

The most prominent of the Gede-Pangrango are three ecosystem is very different, among others: sub-montane ecosystem (1,000 m to 1,500 m), mountain ecosystems (1,500 m – 2,900 m) is characterized by tall trees and large, and ecosystems sub-alpine (2,400 m. and higher), are characterized by pastures where the Java edelweiss flowers grow in abundance. It also has a savanna and swamp ecosystems.
In 1977 UNESCO declared a national park Gunung Gede-Pangrango a Biosphere Reserve.

Currently the National Park of Mount Gede-Pangrango area of ​​15,196 hectares that includes Cibodas, Cimungkat, Gunung Gede-Pangrango, Situgunung recreation area, and forests on the slopes of Mount Gede (2,958 m) and Pangrango (3,019 m). Both are connected to the saddle at an altitude of 2,500 m above sea level.

Edelweiss flower growing in a field known as the square Suryakencana, located to the north of Mount Gede. Required hiking for six hours of Cibodas to reach this place.

The view from the summit and the crater of Mount Gede is stunning both at sunrise and sunset. From here we can see Mount Krakatoa and Sumatra, and at the bottom such as Cianjur, Sukabumi and Bogor. Here terlektak three active crater is a crater Lanang, Ratu and Wadon, all integrated in a complex at an altitude of 2,958 m. These craters can be reached about five hours of Cibodas.Ada four primate species in this park, including Gibbon Java, which is endemic to the island of Java, Surili who live around the waterfall Cibodas rarely seen, long-tailed monkeys and the Javan langur. There are also leopards, wild dogs and pigs liar.Taman has various species of birds, 251 of the 450 species inhabit this Park in Java, including Java eagles and birds hantu.Danau Blue, located at an altitude of 1,575 m, is about 1.5 km from the entrance in Cibodas is a favorite picnic spot. The blue color of the lake comes from the blue algae inside danau.Air Falls Cibeureum 50 m high, is 2.8 km. of Cibodas. Here there are red moss which is endemic in West Java. You can watch the butterflies Arjuna sip salty mud at the water’s edge.

If you have a chance, visit the hot springs were discovered about two hours of Cibodas, whereas if you want to go to Gunung Putri camping and Selabintana.

Since the 19th century, the area Gede-Pangrango has become a living laboratory for researchers. Traces in most southeast slope was found by Sir Thomas Raffles in 1811, although the earliest ascent of Mount Gede performed by CGC Reinwardt 1819.

Among the many attractions in the park, Bodogol Conservation Education Center offers a variety of valuable and interesting opportunities. Located 25 meters above the ground, with a canopied walkway which is one of the attractions of the park. But at some point the condition of roads have been damaged.

Because of the high rainfall during the rainy season, Park will be closed between December and March due to heavy fog and clouds cover the peaks and strong winds during the months of February and March. The best time to visit and make the climb to the crater is during the dry season between June and September.

Temperatures vary on average around 18 ° C in Cibodas, most chilled to 10 ° C at the top of the mountain. If you intend to climb to the top make sure that you wear warm clothes and shoes that are thick because at night the temperature can be very cold and can make you freeze.

The main entrance Pangrango Gede National Park is along the path which is next to the main gate of the park Cibodas. Cibodas located just off the main road route from Jakarta to Bandung passes Peak, in Cipanas, about two hours from Jakarta, if the traffic is normal. On holidays and weekends Bogor-Puncak route to be jammed with tourists Jakarta.

To obtain a permit and map the location of forest conservation office visit at:

Highway Cibodas,
43253 Cipanas, Cianjur, West Java.
Tel .: 62-263-512776, Fax: 620263-519415


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