When you berpelesir to Banten Lama, do not forget to visit Fort Speelwijk. Its location right across from Vihara Avalokitesvara or exactly located in one corner of the village Pamarican, Serang or approximately 1 km from the palace Surosowan.
The existence of Fort Speelwijk is sisahegemoni Dutch colonial in the Sultanate of Banten. This fortress ruins accompany Surosowan and Kraton Kraton Kaibon crushed flat by a mercenary force Daendels.
Digunakansebagaipenghormatan Speelwijk names to the Governor General VOC Janzoon Cornelis Speelman (1681-1684). This fort was made with careful calculation as the base defense against attacks from native troops, khususnyapengikut Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.
Cardeel Lucaszoon inidirancangHendrik castle building during the four years between 1681-1685. It was a reign of Sultan Abu Nashar Abdul Qahar or better known as the Sultan Haji (1672-1687).
Speelwijk fortress wall has a height of 5 meters with small and narrow entrances on each side, made with a large army estimates it will be difficult to attack inside the fort. Part entrance arch shaped semicircle and there is no more door. Walls 1 meter wide and in some parts there are over 2 meters thick. If observed carefully, the building is made with a mixture of stone, sand, limestone and some rocks.
Bangunannyasendiri was expanded in 1731.Sebagian walls still intact is the bastion or space reconnaissance located on the wall north. Lookout towers when it is used to monitor enemy ship that was approaching from the direction of the Java Sea. Tower walls are thicker than the other walls. The castle was once surrounded by a moat as wide as 10 meters that functions make it harder for the enemy. Now the only remaining portion and narrowed.
This fort was built when the Dutch managed to carry out provocations between Ageng Tirtayasa with his son, Sultan Haji. Sultan Haji who was then conquered the Netherlands stated that he is fully Bantam ruler, no longer the Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa. This fort like a silent witness of wars between the father and son were fighting for power. Wars sparked by the peace treaty between the Netherlands with the Bantam, the content is more in favor of the Dutch.
Currently the only fort in ruins namundengan Speelwijk mengunjunginyadapat add knowledge about the history of the Dutch population in the archipelago.
Formerly on the side of the house there Speelwijk fortress commander, churches, gun room, administrative offices, shops and chambers of commerce, currently only visible foundations even to the ground. Now, inside the fort is still there aisle protection and some rooms which are all made of stone walls.
In addition, there is also a basement tanahyang supposedly used as a prison. Only the basement that can be locked and unlocked by a guide who voluntarily keep this fort.
Entering the basement, cold and damp will be felt and will be seen some bats perch on the walls and ceiling of the room where several open into daylighting. After passing through the hall in the basement, there are two rooms including rooms prison guards and detention room. Two such rooms are not so large in size and height nearly the size of an adult.
Guard room adjacent to an open ceiling in contrast to the detention room a bit away from natural light. It is conceivable conditions of indigenous prisoners at that time was very uncomfortable to survive in a small room, crowded and a little illumination.
How to get Speelwijk Citadel is through the Jakarta-Merak toll road, exit at East Serang. Crossing a red light, passing through Jl. Ayip Usman, then Jl. Kingdom Kasemen to find in the market before the bridge. Turn left before the bridge, follow the river to find the gate of the Port Karangantu. Following the road to see the outside of Fort Speelwijk and surrounds the castle to find the entrance.
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