This is the old mosque prayer WITH A History Important Values in the archipelago. Built First Posted Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1552-1570), the Sultan of Demak Sultanate First Simultaneously And the son of First Sunan Gunung Jati. Husband mosque besides AS Islamic Development Center in Banten, ALSO to complete the review of Empire Building The ADA. Banten Grand Mosque complex is located in the building of the mosque in the village of Banten Lama, about 10 km north, the city of Serang.
Great Mosque of Banten is a historic building future spread of Islam in West Java and now become a favorite place of pilgrims in Java. Although Has More Than 4 century old but the mosque Husband Still Standing Strong And Well maintained. ALSO mosques like other Building berdenah parent.
Five-tiered roof of the mosque husband WITH The left and right are each porch. The roof is stacked five mosques in Java WITH DIFFERENT general Yang stacked Three. A look at the influence of Chinese architecture there here remember praying One architect is Tjek Ban Tjoet (Prince Adiguna) Originating From China (ADA The Calling Of Mongolia). ITU has five stacks of roof Meaning 5 Pillars of Islam. TOP prayer actual roof is too small for a review called the roof, so impressed Only A decoration OR “crown” Building Only.
SIGN door Mosque in Side Home amounted Six Tenets That Means. Six Doors ITU Created EVERY short order worshipers bowed to review degrading Yourself When entering the house of the Lord. Period 24 poles mosque depict hearts time 24 hours a day
On the left atrium Which is the northern part of the mosque are the Tomb of the Sultan of Banten And some families, such as the Tomb of Maulana Hasanuddin and his wife, Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Dan Sultan Abu Nasr Abdul Qahhar. While in the hearts Right Right porch south Jakarta There is also the Tomb-Mausoleum of Sultan Maulana Muhammad, Sultan Zainul ‘Abidin, and other relatives of the Sultanate.
On the eastern side of the mosque are part of the tower as high as 24 meters in diameter WITH 10 meter base. Husband tower was once apart place to review the azan ALSO to review oversee marine waters. Built during the Sultan Haji Year 1620 Posted A Dutch architect Hendrik Named Lucaszoon Cardeel. AT THAT TIME, Cardeel defected To the Sultanate of Banten, then while the Prince was awarded the title of Wiraguna.
Southern part of the Great Mosque of Banten are building what is called Tiyamah. Long Form rectangular shape and multilevel. Husband building title has ancient Dutch style of architecture and * According to the findings of the Draft History Lucazoon Cardeel. PT Putra Building COPYRIGHT WORKS AS husband used a religious place of deliberation and discussion.
PT Banten since COPYRIGHT WORKS WITH SON known Harmonious Life and tolerant religion. The proof will be found Andari Chinese temple built in the days Beginning Sultanate of Banten, located about 50 meters from Fort Speelwijk. ALSO initials temple is a prayer One of the oldest temples in Indonesia.
EVERY day of the Great Mosque of Banten Crowded visited pilgrim Coming Not Just From Banten and West Java, gatra BUT ALSO From VARIOUS area is in Indonesia Up Neighbors
16 TEMPAT OUTBOUND LEMBANG BANDUNG TERBAIK (UPDATED),- SKY ADVENTURE INDONESIA adalah Event Organizer dan Provider Outbound di Bandung siap membantu memfasilitasi kegiatan anda dengan berbagai program outbound yang kami miliki atau sesuai dengan... Read More | Share it now!