If you really love the natural beauty of the island should be visited Peucang. Here have been waiting for the beauty of the white sand and coral reefs, clear blue sea water perfect for swimming, diving, fishing or snorkeling. The island is also ideal for a variety of wildlife, especially deer observation.
UNESCO awarded the island as one of the world heritage natural site because it has a diversity of flora and fauna. Not to mention a very beautiful natural scenery able to tether the memory in the liver to invite you to come back.
..pantai Island is a paradise lovers Peucang hobby fishing, snorkeling, and diving.
Peucang island located in the Strait of Panaitan, Pandeglang, Banten province, located on the east Ujung Kulon National Park. A trip to this island is quite far away, you have to use the car for more than 8 hours from Jakarta, and crossed over about 1 hour for the arrival here. You need to wear a jacket for boating to withstand strong ocean breeze. The duration of the trip will be paid-out with stunning views of the prize.
Peucang name itself there is a call from the name of the snails that you can see if set foot on this beach. The local population believes another where they think it Peucang name is the name of that species such as deer species of deer that live in this region.
You will be spoiled ..mata diverse flora and fauna were amazing, while driving around trying to guess creature peeking What you from a distance.
Peucang a base camp and place of registration of tourists who will be exploring the Ujung Kulon National Park. In this small island you can find several types of accommodation to rest.
Peucang always crowded in local and foreign tourists visit which is located not far from the National Park Ujung Kulon to facilitate the access of tourists who will visit or break. In addition to available lodging and restaurants there are many activities you can do on this beautiful island.
To enter this tourist area you need to pay Rp2,500,000.00 per person. Tourist attractions that should be visited is the Coral Copong where there are views of the sunrise is very charming.
Ciwangun Indah Camp ( CIC ) Tempat Outbound di Bandung Barat,- Berada di kawasan perbukitan Bandung Utaratepatnya di Lembang Parongpong. Didirikan di atas lahan 22 hektare , tentunya menjadi lokasi wisata yang cukup besar. Dan bisa ber leluasa... Read More | Share it now!