The word Lesung (mortar) is reminiscent of the sweet smile vertices on the cheek. Well, the name of the coast of Cape Dimples may be appropriate likened to a similar beauty. This beach does look pretty because the location of beaches like dimples where the land juts into the sea from its coast sprinkled water sparkling sand and clear water that is beautiful to look at.
Indonesia fortunate awarded many beaches with charming scenery. In almost every region in the archipelago are both beautiful beach that has a lot of famous and not yet widely known. One of the beautiful beaches worth visiting are Tajung Dimples Beach on the west Pandeglang, precisely the village of Tanjung Jaya, District Panimbang, Pandeglang, Banten.
If earlier during a visit to Anyer Beach Banten selecting or Carita Beach then this time why do not you pay a visit to Tanjung Lesung. Here the scenery is no less spectacular beaches with sea water bath vast lakes and hills not so steep.
The name ‘cape mortar’ according to the narrative comes from the local community in the form of naming the location of the mainland coast juts into the sea like the tip of the mortar, which is the traditional tool rice pounder. The beach is the extent of approximately 1,500 hectares and officially opened to the public since January 1998. Now Tanjung Lesung used as a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Tourism in the province of Banten.
When in this beach you will feel like being in Bali for its beaches are similar on the island. Sand sloping beaches reach 15 kilometers gives ample space to the visitor to perform a variety of fun activities, from playing the sand, sunbathing, or exercising.
In addition to area beaches are still clean and natural, Tanjung Lesung also offers white sand bath rugs. Walk on it accompanied by a gentle breeze is a pleasure in itself. Waves are not too big so as to allow you to swim, play jetski, snorkeling, boating, or fishing.
Tanjung Lesung Coast region is very suitable for couples who want to honeymoon. Suasanya quiet with a romantic wrapping natural landscape. Strolling along the beach during the afternoon as a couple holding hands and listening to the waves would be very beautiful and become a memorable and romantic memories.
Tanjung Lesung beach is also suitable for family tourism. You can invite family members to travel in this beach. Your child would love to swim and play sand on the beach while you capture the moment with a camera.
For Nature lovers, you can enjoy a wealth of biological and natural charm underwater this beach. Diving is an opportunity to witness the beauty of coral, jellyfish, small snails that looks shyly hiding behind coral reefs, as well as various types of fish that play romp and occasionally come over. You can also learn how to transplant coral reef conservation site in the middle of the sea.
Facilities available at this beach are: information center, lifeguard, money changer, parking area, banana boat, glass bottom boat, snorkeling, kayaking sea, mini golf, pool, fishing pool, park, shelter, children playing area, and others ,
GRAFIKA CIKOLE LEMBANG BANDUNG, TEMPAT OUTING,- Untuk tempat yang satuini mungkin tidak asing lagi ditelinga Para OutbounerS. Tempat dengan berbagai fasilitasnya yang bakalan bikin anda betah berlama – lama. Dua restaurant dengan kapasitas yang... Read More | Share it now!