A cliff on the beach is like a gateway to enter the beauty that refreshes the soul and mind. Instantly waves will pass through the hole of the cliff so that his voice suddenly break would welcome anyone who comes. As far as the eye can see and the feet move, watch the big rocks paraded along the coast dicumbui clean white sand.
Trips to the beach is a much-loved people, in addition to offering stunning natural scenery, the atmosphere is new and different experiences is the reason. Indonesia itself as an archipelago blessed with a lot of coastline scattered throughout the country, even in one province alone there can be more than two beaches with the beauty and uniqueness of each. One province has beautiful beaches are Banten, call it three beaches has been famous among tourists, namely Tanjung Lesung, Carita Beach and Anyer Beach. Well, there is one other option if you want to get a different experience that is Karang Bolong Beach.
Karang Bolong Beach is located approximately 50 km from the city of Serang. If you drive a car or motorcycle, the beach is located on the right side of Highway Anyer the path to Carita Beach from Jakarta. As the name implies, namely coral holes, this beach has a hollow cliff in the middle so as to make the beach look unique and different from other beaches.
This beach formerly known as the Coral Coast Suraga, a name taken from a man of high berlilmu that fasted on this beach until the end of his life, the person’s name is Suryadilaga. As it grows, it changed its name to the beach Karang Bolong Beach because it has a big cliff on the beach shaped cavities (Read: perforated, in Sundanese) in the middle. One end of the reef is on the edge of the beach while others overlook the sea. Geologists estimate that the hole in the rock is due to sea water eroded over a period of time. However, there is also the opinion that the rock hollow result of the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883. Until now, the result of this broad coral pesisnya not known with certainty.
Not only has a unique rock of course, Karang Bolong Beach is also fairly economical travel destination so that it becomes an idol beach tourists not only domestic tourists but also abroad. So, do not be surprised If you find foreign tourists take a walk on the beach to enjoy the beauty of this beach has to offer.
For culinary matters do not have to worry because in Karang Bolong Beach there are various options kulier. Bantam variety of unique culinary seafood shades can be found in almost every restaurant or food stall along this coast.
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