Salam Hangat untuk para pengunjung setia Sky Adventure Indonesia, kami merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa event organizer outbound Lembang Bandung. Kali ini kami ingin berbagi informasi seputar oleh-oleh, terutama bagi anda yang... Read More | Share it now!
Ayo Berwisata ke Danau Kelimutu Salam hangat para pengunjung setia Sky-Adventure Indonesia, kali ini kami ingin mengajak anda untuk berwisata di Pulau Flores tepatnya di puncak Gunung Kelimutu, di ketinggian 1.631 m dari permukaan laut. Kira-kira ada... Read More | Share it now!
Selamat datang para pecinta Outbound Lembang Bandung, Berwisata bersama orang-orang tersayang tentu menjadikan sebuah moment berharga yang akan selalu menjadi kenangan manis untuk anda ingat. Kebahagiaan, kebersamaan dan keceriaan yang anda rasakan... Read More | Share it now!
Meikmati Wisata di Kampung Eropa di Farm House Saat akhir pekan datang atau saat hari libur tiba, maka berwisata adalah hal yang harus anda lakukan. Sejenak menikmati pemandangan dan udara segara serta meninggalkan rutinitas anda yang padat baik di... Read More | Share it now!
When you berpelesir to Banten Lama, do not forget to visit Fort Speelwijk. Its location right across from Vihara Avalokitesvara or exactly located in one corner of the village Pamarican, Serang or approximately 1 km from the palace Surosowan. The... Read More | Share it now!
Java and Sumatra island is actually separated by the Strait of Sunda who had a fascination with Krakatoa her. Small islands scattered in the middle of the waters offer a beautiful place to take a break from your hectic hectic city. Reach for the... Read More | Share it now!
Island Tunda details need to be included in the list of tourist destinations that you must visit while exploring the province of Banten. You will be amazed by the beauty of nature on land and marine life that is already famous among lovers of... Read More | Share it now!
Ada banyak hotel berbintang di Serang, berikut ini beberapa diantaranya. Le Dian Hotel and Cottages Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No 88, Serang Tlp: +62 254 229 888 Email: Website: Ratu Hotel Bidakara JL.KH.... Read More | Share it now!
Your obligatory culinary taste is satay banding. This is a dish that is quite different because usually use meat satay chicken or goat. To make satay milkfish, fish first cleaned and mixed with herbs. A fish that has been prepared grilled then placed... Read More | Share it now!
Banten, which had previously been part of West Java province, was officially established in 2000 became its own province to cover the area in western Java. Despite the age of the province is still relatively young, but history clearly old and holds the... Read More | Share it now!
Tempat Outbound Cikole Lembang Bandung Orchid Fores,- Orchid forest tempat wisata yang menyuguhkan konsep edu tourism. Berkembang menjadi objek wisata edukasi alam. Dengan budidaya tanaman anggrek sebagai fokusnya. Dan untuk kegiatan outbound sendiri... Read More | Share it now!